The difficulty in creating the design was the unusual layout of the apartment —the house was built according to the original architectural project. Because of thecomplex architecture of the house – the unusual outlines of the facade – the shapeof the rooms is curved. In the living room there are many sharp beveled corners,while in the center of the room the space is blocked by massive columns — this isa load-bearing structure, they could not be demolished. The rooms are arrangedin a single line. There is no clear border between the dining room and the livingroom. In a separate wing there is a bedroom with an attached bathroom and adressing room. In addition, the owners, husband and wife, have their own roomswhere you can retire to work or relax in peace: a men’s bureau and a women’sboudoir. The kitchen is separated from the common room by a partition with abuilt-in fireplace.
The color of the walls in the living room is also unusual. The designer decided ongreen, because there is a lot of bronze in the interior, which has a greenish tint.This color combined all the details of the interior, emphasizing the natural beautyof the materials. In general, in the choice of finishing, customers constantly urgedOlga to be bolder. The brighter and richer the decor — the better. If leather isused, then it must be embossed or rare exotic (in the dressing room), metal —aged, with a beautiful texture (in the dining room), wood-with carvings (in thebedroom). The result is a very bold, bright interior, charismatic, like its owners.His style is eclectic, but Art Deco has become dominant. It refers, for example, toa massive wall panel covered with gilding, located in the bedroom and madeaccording to the designer’s sketches based on the metal screen of the early 20thcentury. There is not a single random detail in the apartment — all the items wereselected by the owners under the strict guidance of the architect. Harmony andthe right combinations of heterogeneous objects are especially important for aneclectic interior.