This apartment has a peculiar layout, given by the house built in the 90s. Theapartment, which has an area of 200 square meters, has many non-functionalrooms, which the architect tried to justify logically and stylistically. At theentrance to the apartment, instead of a small entrance hall, you find yourself in aspacious hall, which gives the interior a grand scale. The impressive size of the hallis really explained by the location of the load-bearing structures. But the ownersare happy about this, because non-functional rooms give a sense of spaciousness.However, the area in the apartment was enough to accommodate two bedrooms,a large living room, a dining room, an office, two spacious bathrooms and afireplace area – the apartment is located on the top floor, and it turned out tobuild a “live” wood-burning fireplace.
The furniture and decor were formed around the Art Nouveau style presented bythe Medea factory. The interior was completed with empire items. Around thedining table are Russian Empire-style chairs from the early 19th century. Andalthough in theory Empire and modern are not combined, here for some reasonthey live perfectly side by side.
On the right is the guest room, which is also a fireplace room, with an antiqueconsole of the XVIII century. The painted frieze based on the Bilibin illustrationswas made by the artist Igor Larionov. Built-in wardrobes and wall panels in theliving room were made to order according to the designer’s sketches. On the leftis a classicist mirror, Genoa, 1725 The interior turned out to be grand and warmat the same time, filled with beautiful things and the comfort of a home.