The difficulty in creating the interior of this object was that the customerspurchased a modern house in architecture, with large panoramic windows. It wasassumed that the interiors here will be minimalist in spirit, but the owners askedto create a solemn, elegant atmosphere. Panoramic windows are the indisputableand main advantage of the building. They offer scenic views of the riverfloodplain. Natural beauty has become an important semantic accent, a kind ofdecorative element of the interior space. To perceive the landscape outside thewindow as the main decoration of the house, it was decided to design theinteriors in a restrained monochrome scheme. The entire interior decoration isdesigned to create a sense of light, minimalist, filled with light and glare, whichworks as a neutral background for spectacular neoclassical interior items.
The surfaces of the walls and ceiling are lined with polished stone of a delicatebeige-gray color with a rich texture and wood panels made of zebrano wood in alight brown shade. The game of reflections is supported by mirror panels, whichare decorated with individual walls, columns, the portal of the fireplace made ofpolished aluminum and the upper part of the fireplace, located opposite the largepanoramic window.
An important element of the design is the subject environment. The starting pointfor its creation was the portrait of Marilyn Monroe by the outrageous AndyWarhol as a kind of ultramodern reading of classical beauty. The finishing touchwas the furniture of top furniture brands (FENDI CASA, VISIONNAIRE), lamps fromBACCARAT, including the famous floor lamp designed by Philippe Starck, andaccessories. The author of the project Olga Freiman notes: “In this project, I hadan interesting task: it was necessary to translate the interior space of the house,designed in a modern style, into a qualitatively different plane, to find a balancebetween minimalist architecture and an interior with an elegant, ceremonialatmosphere. We proposed to create a light, partition-free space and fill it withcharismatic neoclassical design objects, pop art paintings and modern artobjects.”